1- Nail trims. Nails that are too long are uncomfortable and make footing on smooth surfaces difficult. If a dog is not as active now the nails will not wear down as before. If you prefer not to trim the nails yourself, groomers or animal hospitals can perform this. Usually a monthly routine is ideal, but if you file them weekly it will be easier.

2- Eyes. Wiping a pet's eye area, particularly in the inner corners where discharge tends to dry, seems to make them feel better. You can almost see the pleasure in their expression when you take a warm, damp wash cloth and wipe their faces. If your dog has any length to their coat it can really cause a hard crust that has to be uncomfortable if you can imagine.
3- Bedding. Soft, clean bedding is essential if your pet lays on bedding...we all know those dogs who love to sprawl out on hard floors. Where ever your senior tends to like to lay, offer comfortable bedding and keep it laundered.

4- Grooming. If your dog has a longer coat it can be trimmed for comfort and ease of hygiene. Hair on the underside of paws can form a "hair slipper" that gathers dirt when they are outside and can make walking on smooth surfaces inside more difficult. It can easily be trimmed. Hair around the genitals may need trimming to keep things hygienic. Some people find it easier to keep an older dog in a "puppy clip" or "kennel clip" for their comfort.
5- Special harnesses can assist dogs that have gotten weaker in the rear. The harness has a handle or grips on the back so you can help your senior maneuver more easily and handle stairs without fear. There are many styles available out there and some people have even used fabric grocery bags with either side cut open and used to support them as you hold the handles.
6- Proper senior diet. Nutritional needs change as they age and the diet should reflect that. Your veterinarian can suggest an appropriate food for them based on their health status. Some dogs need more specialized diets due to medical issues and it can really make a difference in their well-being. When changing a diet, make a gradual change because an abrupt change may cause an upset stomach or they may balk entirely at the new food.
7- Realize that their vision and/or hearing may deteriorate and adjust to their needs if it is not medically treatable. Don't assume that the hearing or vision problems are inevitable...an ear infection can be treated, eye problems may be corrected with treatment so have your veterinarian access the situation.
8- Possible Pain. Some pets are stoic and may not exhibit pain overtly. Others can make it very apparent. Again, don't assume that discomfort is inevitable because there are many options available now for arthritis in dogs through medications, cold laser therapy, keeping weight in control, injections, etc. Many owners have been extremely pleased with the changes they see in their pet.
9- Bathing! Routine baths can make your dog feel wonderful...at least afterward! Whose dog does not love the towel rubbing afterwards? If your pet does not like baths, it can be worked on with tasty treats being offered (roast turkey, cheese, a premium treat your pet particularly loves) by someone else while you make sure you use warm water and good footing (a towel at the very least on the floor of the tub so they won't slip). This is a good time to trim the nails and look for any lumps or bumps that may need looking at by your veterinarian.

10- Ramps/Steps/Assistance with Mobility- Ramps for your vehicle, bed, stairs to your home, etc. can really help your pet maneuver with confidence. Slick areas can have grips applied, rugs with rubber backing or carpet runners can be put down to make your dog feel more secure. Toe Grips can be applied to the nails of your dog that can help with their mobility.
This ramp was made with 20-25 dollars worth of supplies.
With a little extra consideration and love our seniors can flourish and enjoy their golden years!