This is Wai Yan Myo. Wai's father was Indian and his mother was Burmese. Both of his parents passed away. One of his brothers sent him to Charity Children's Home. He was unwanted because of his mixed blood. Both of his brothers were in a Hindu temple that was attacked by Burmese and burned to death in the temple. Wai is now alone with no family but surrounded by almost 200 brothers and sisters. This is just one of the lives being changed by the work being done in Myanmar in partner with People to People.

"A story that gripped my heart. This lady is 76 years old. As a small child she lived in a village where the king would often take little girls. Her father tattooed her face as a small child to protect her. He believed the king would not want her if she wasn't pretty. I marvel at the things people endure in their life and pray that I may always be humble in the life God gave me. I told her how much God loved her she smiled and said "God has blessed me and God bless you too" ! She followed Buddhist beliefs for many years but now Jesus is her Lord. As she walked away she repeated over and over God Bless You, God Bless You!".

These puppies were at a market for sale. Kelly saw very few pet dogs but mainly strays running at large.

You can take Kelly out of Morehead Animal Hospital but you just can not take Morehead Animal Hospital out of her! Dogs in foreign countries are seldom pets; they are typically scavengers or used to alert people when company approaches.
" I did not see any obvious breeds, all the dogs were very mixed breed looking. Most were malnourished and had that parasite infested look. All the dogs I saw were eating from garbage which i suppose was a good way to dispose of dead or decaying food."
She saw feral cats everywhere but could not get close to any of them.

These pigs were at a farm she visited.

We are delighted that she is home safe and back at Morehead Animal Hospital again. :)